Most individuals, when they incarnate, come in with a spiritual entourage. The exact number and types of beings within that grouping varies from person to person. It can include beings from the person's home spirit community; individuals who have passed; individuals who were known in a past life but did not choose to incarnate with the person in this lifetime; spirit companions who are known to the individual but are not part of their home spirit community; ETs; and others. The configuration of these beings may alter over the course of a person's lifetime. Some beings may consistently be present, some may come and go, while others may leave permanently and new ones come in. They may have a variety of purposes or roles within the person's life, which may include providing: support, information, companionship, protection or just being an observer. Becoming more familiar and communicating clearly with your 'peeps' can sometimes be challenging, but ultimately it is a worthwhile endeavour to know and feel that interactive connection.
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